This is a groundbreaking project at The Maycroft, Jubilee Housing’s “deeply affordable” housing community that fosters Jubilee’s Justice Housing mission. This array and storage system powers Washington DC’s first low-income resiliency hub, offering residents a solar+battery-powered community center in the event of a grid outage. It provides residents a place to store refrigerated medicine and perishable food, and to power communication and critical medical devices. In addition, residents at the Maycroft participate in our community solar program, receiving credits on their utility bills from our solar arrays.
Location: Adams Morgan. NW
System Size: 56 kW
Building Owner: Jubilee Housing
Additional Partners: Jubilee Housing, DC Dept. of Energy and Environment, USBancorp CDC, United Bank, SunCatch, Amidus
Jeff and Herb [of New Partners] are visionaries. Our infrastructure is at risk and we have to plan. When I heard about this battery project, I said, “That is brilliant!”
– Tommy Wells, Director of DC Department of Energy and Environment
Read more at GGwash